Becoming Muse
Becoming Muse
Uncovering Project MKUltra with Ashlan Christoph and Evelyn Zuel
Join Ashlan Christoph, our host, as she speaks with Evelyn Zuel about the CIA's controversial MKUltra experiment.
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) developed Project MKUltra (or MK-Ultra), a covert human experimentation program, with the goal of identifying drugs and developing techniques to weaken subjects during interrogations in order to coerce confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture. It started in 1953 and ended in 1973. MKUltra employed a variety of techniques to influence the minds and brains of its subjects, including covertly administering high doses of psychoactive substances (especially LSD) and other chemicals without their knowledge, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture.
More about Ashlan Christoph:
Ashlan is a Mother, Modern Muse, Shop owner & Certified Shakti Practitioner living in Los Angeles, California. After tapping into her roots and discovering her Native American tribe she has made it her passion to partake in the culture of native culture for the purpose of healing and transformation.
Contact Ashlan Christoph: https://www.ashlanchristoph.com
About Evelyn:
Evelyn is a Korean American hoppa (half Asian), daughter to a Korean immigrant mother and Vietnam war veteran father. Living in between two worlds, she searched for answers in the divine, following the light of the stars and guidance from esoteric arts.
Evelyn began working professionally 2017, which is also when she made the move to the beautiful Mojave Desert. Laying witness to the dance between the sun and moon in the unobstructed desert sky Evelyn is able to integrate her Astrological knowledge in a practical way that can't be taught, only experienced. In the winter of 2020, Evelyn became a certified hypnotist through the NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) to offer guidance to those who desire to journey through their subconscious and unlock past life secrets. Evelyn is a writer, astrologer, hypnotist, former owner of a mystical shop, and forever seeker of the greater mysteries. Evelyn Zuel’s work has been published in: Serpentfire Tarot, Magic of I, Desert Magazine, Refinery 29, Whole Person Magazine.
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